Saturday, October 18, 2008

Oct. 16 - Friends and School Helpers

Thursday, October 16, 2008 FRIENDS AND SCHOOL HELPERS
Morning Circle (AM 9:00-9:30)
1. Song Can
2 Calendar
3. Letters in our names
4 Who is you're friend? We'll go around the circle and find out who each others friends are. We'll talk about how each person in preschool is a friend too, even Miss Tammy. Friends help each other also, and in school we all need to help each other. If someone gets hurt, we should help them. If someone needs help at a center, we should help them. If someone wants to play with us or share a toy, we should play and share. We should also help by taking care of the classroom and helping clean up our messes. If an accident happens, it's OK, just tell Miss Tammy. If nobody helps in preschool, it wouldn't be a very good school.
4. Read the story, "My Teacher is My Friend"

Learning Centers (AM 9:30-10:15)
*Creative Art: Making Warm Fuzzies
*Messy Table: Scooping beans
*Cut and Color Table: Friendship Bracelets - beading bracelets or necklaces.
*Dramatic Play: School bus
*Alphabet: Making a collage out of our own special letters (the first letter in each child’s name)
Snack (small groups come at different times to eat during Self-Selected Activities. Unless we are making our snack, then we will eat it during small group.)
*Snack: Apples and milk
Recess (AM 10:20-10:30..PM 1:50-2:00)
Closing Circle (AM 10:30-11:00..PM 2:00-2:30)
*Talk about warm fuzzies and cold pricklies more. Encourage the children to give warm fuzzies away.
*Music and Movement - We'll dance to the song The More We Get Together as a class and then with partners.
* If there is time, we will have a whole bunch of letter tiles laid out in front of us. Each child will get to find the first letter of his/her name. The teacher will help them if they need it. The teacher will also encourage the kids to find more letters in their names!!

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