Saturday, December 27, 2008

Shapes and Sizes - Circles

Jan. 6 - Circles
*Tuesday, Jan. 6/ Wednesday, Jan. 7 – Circles
Greeting Time (9:00 – 9:15)
Morning Circle (AM 9:15-9:30)
1. Letter Bingo
2. Song Can
3 Calendar
4 A rope will be arranged in the form of a circle and we will all sit inside the circle. I will ask the children what shape the rope makes.
5. Ahead of time, I’ll have matching circles cut from construction paper. I will have one of the pair hidden throughout the room and I will give the other half to the children (there will be one circle per child) and they will look for the circle that matches theirs,.
6. We will sing the ‘Wheels on the bus” and talk about other things that go around and around besides a bus’ wheels. (i.e. the wheels on my bike/ a train/ a big wheel.) I can help them remember other things that go around and we will sing the song using replacements.
- a ferris wheel goes round and round all day at the fair
- a spinning top goes round and round and flies off of the table
- the dryer drum goes round and round and dries all of my clothes

Learning Centers (AM 9:30-10:15)
*Creative Art: Circle Prints. I will have thee different colors of paint and tons of items that, when stamped in paint, will leave the imprint of a circle.
*Messy Table: English muffin pizza. All the ingredients for personal-sized pizzas will be provided in the messy table and each child will have the opportunity to make their own pizza. This is a great way to experience circles!
*Cut and Color Table: Sticky dots! Each child will get white paper cut in a large circle and the chance to stick dots all over them. We will hang their creations on the wall in the shape of a circle!
*Manipulatives: Marbles and magnetics.
Snack (small groups come at different times to eat during Self-Selected Activities. Unless we are making our snack, then we will eat it during small group.)
*Snack: English Muffin Pizzas
Recess (AM 10:20-10:30..PM 1:50-2:00)
Each child gets one round balloon attached to their ankle by a large rubber band. The object of the game is for the children to stomp on their friends balloons and pop them while protecting their own balloons. There will be stickers given to those whose balloons get popped to lesson the trama of a popped balloon.
Closing Circle (AM 10:30-11:00..PM 2:00-2:30)
1. Story “Circles, Triangles, and Squares” by Tana Hoban
2. Phonics
3. Music and Movement

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