Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Fun with light: ice

Wow! What could be more awesome than ice and light. 
  In my last post, we played with water and food coloring and decided to freeze the tray. 
We put tiny objects in colored ice cubes: like alphabet letters and tiny toys. Then we froze it and after a few hours pulled out the colored ice cubes. 

These were super slippery and cold! It felt like Jell-O. 
This would be perfect for a hot summer day.
They looked really cool, and the treasures inside turned out really great. I wanted to make blocks that they could stack, and we got some five high, but we didn't freeze the cubes on a flat surface so they were pretty wobbly. I'd like to try this again and see if we can build a little igloo. Today they were more interested in breaking open the cubes and collecting the treasures inside. I have five boys and they'll take advantage of any opportunity they can get to smash something!
This activity was a big hit, literally. And you don't need a light table or projector for this to work, but the light makes it look really cool!

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