November 18-26 – THANKSGIVING
*Tuesday, Nov. 18/ Wednesday, Nov. 19 – MY FAMILY- Ee
We will talk about what makes a family, in the traditional sense of the word and we’ll label family members, then we will talk about other families we have and how we, as a class, are a family too. We’ll role play with puppets, read ‘The Family Book’ by Todd Parr, and make a book about our family. For snack we’ll make heart-shaped love sandwiches.
*Tuesday, Nov. 18/ Wednesday, Nov. 19 – MY FAMILY- Ee
Greeting Time (9:00 – 9:15)
Morning Circle (AM 9:15-9:30)
1. Song Can.
2. New letters
3 Calendar
4 We will read, “The Family Book,” and talk about our different families. We’ll find out how each of our families are similar and how they are unique. We will talk about how we, as a class are a family too.
Learning Centers (AM 9:30-10:15)
*Creative Art: Broken Hearts – sometimes people hurt our feelings, but when we apologize, it helps mend our broken hearts. Hearts will be provided that are cut in half. Children will (with assistance) punch holes in the hearts and use string to sew them back together.
*Messy Table: Water, along with transportation vehicles and family characters.
*Cut and Color Table: A Family of Puppets. Materials will be provided for the children to make puppets of their own family, including mother, father, brother, sister, grandparents, and so forth. The children can make their family puppets and role play with their creations.
*Dramatic Play: Mom and Dad. Hats, shoes, ties, purses, wallets, and other grownup paraphernalia will be provided and children are encouraged to ‘try Mom and Dad’s shoes on for size!’
*Creative Arts II: The Family Book: We will make a book about our families and then share them with the class during closing circle.
Snack (small groups come at different times to eat during Self-Selected Activities. Unless we are making our snack, then we will eat it during small group.)
*Snack: heart-shaped love sandwiches
Outside Play (AM 10:20-10:30..PM 1:50-2:00)
Closing Circle (AM 10:30-11:00..PM 2:00-2:30)
1. Story “I loved you before you were born.”
2. Music and Movement – we will learn the sign language for mom, dad, grandma and grandpa using ‘signing time’s’ family song.
3. We will share our family books that we made during choice time.
4. Phonics
Saturday, October 25, 2008
All About Me - Celebration
All About Me!
*Thursday, Nov. 13 – CELEBRATING ME!! – Dd
Greeting Time (9:00 – 9:15)
Morning Circle (AM 9:15-9:30)
1. Song Can.
2. New letters
3 Calendar
4 Read “Parts” and “More Parts” and then we’ll talk about different parts of our bodies and why they are important. The teacher will have a doll with several layers and we will peel back each layer, explaining about muscles, bones, etc. We’ll sing “I’m all made of hinges” and “Head, shoulders, knees and toes” during singing time.
Learning Centers (AM 9:30-10:15)
*Creative Art: Thumb Printing: each child will put their thumb print on a piece of paper and then, using magnifying glasses, we will look at each thumb print and note than none of them are the same. The children are encouraged to use their unique thumbs to make a drawing using Tempera paint.
*Messy Table: Surgery Table – Gak will be made out of elmers glue and liquid starch. Blunt needles and thread will be provided and the children can pretend to be surgeons who need to sew up a patient. Doctors masks, coats, and rubber gloves will be added for effect.
*Cut and Color Table: Medicine Dropper Art. There will be coffee filters, food coloring and water, and medicine droppers at the art table. Children can drip colors from their medicine droppers onto the coffee filters to make a beautiful rainbow of color.
*Dramatic Play: Doctor’s Office. Doctor’s lab coats, bandaids, stethoscopes, bandage wraps, rubber gloves, masks, doctor tools, etc.
*Measurement: Measure me! The teacher will take string and measure each child. Children can compare strings with the other students.
Snack (small groups come at different times to eat during Self-Selected Activities. Unless we are making our snack, then we will eat it during small group.)
*Snack: During closing circle we will make pancakes and each child will get to choose what unique shape they would like their pancake to be (mickey mouse head, the first letter of their name, animal, etc)
Outside Play (AM 10:20-10:30..PM 1:50-2:00)
Closing Circle (AM 10:30-11:00..PM 2:00-2:30)
1. Story “I like Myself”
2. Make special pancakes
3. Music and Movement – march around the room making lots of noise with our musical instruments.
4. Phonics
*Thursday, Nov. 13 – CELEBRATING ME!! – Dd
Greeting Time (9:00 – 9:15)
Morning Circle (AM 9:15-9:30)
1. Song Can.
2. New letters
3 Calendar
4 Read “Parts” and “More Parts” and then we’ll talk about different parts of our bodies and why they are important. The teacher will have a doll with several layers and we will peel back each layer, explaining about muscles, bones, etc. We’ll sing “I’m all made of hinges” and “Head, shoulders, knees and toes” during singing time.
Learning Centers (AM 9:30-10:15)
*Creative Art: Thumb Printing: each child will put their thumb print on a piece of paper and then, using magnifying glasses, we will look at each thumb print and note than none of them are the same. The children are encouraged to use their unique thumbs to make a drawing using Tempera paint.
*Messy Table: Surgery Table – Gak will be made out of elmers glue and liquid starch. Blunt needles and thread will be provided and the children can pretend to be surgeons who need to sew up a patient. Doctors masks, coats, and rubber gloves will be added for effect.
*Cut and Color Table: Medicine Dropper Art. There will be coffee filters, food coloring and water, and medicine droppers at the art table. Children can drip colors from their medicine droppers onto the coffee filters to make a beautiful rainbow of color.
*Dramatic Play: Doctor’s Office. Doctor’s lab coats, bandaids, stethoscopes, bandage wraps, rubber gloves, masks, doctor tools, etc.
*Measurement: Measure me! The teacher will take string and measure each child. Children can compare strings with the other students.
Snack (small groups come at different times to eat during Self-Selected Activities. Unless we are making our snack, then we will eat it during small group.)
*Snack: During closing circle we will make pancakes and each child will get to choose what unique shape they would like their pancake to be (mickey mouse head, the first letter of their name, animal, etc)
Outside Play (AM 10:20-10:30..PM 1:50-2:00)
Closing Circle (AM 10:30-11:00..PM 2:00-2:30)
1. Story “I like Myself”
2. Make special pancakes
3. Music and Movement – march around the room making lots of noise with our musical instruments.
4. Phonics
All About Me - Feelings
All About Me!
*Tuesday, Nov. 11 – Feeling Me - Dd
Greeting Time (9:00 – 9:15)
Morning Circle (AM 9:15-9:30)
1. Song Can.
2. New letters
3 Calendar
4 We’ll sing “If you’re happy and you know it” and then discuss the different feelings we can feel. We’ll also sing “If you’re sad and you know it, angry, sleepy, etc”
5. Each child will get a plate to hold with a smiley face on one side and a frowny face on the other. The teacher will make a series of statements and ask the children to respond by showing the side of the plate that shows how they feel. If they aren’t happy or sad about a statement, they keep the plate on their laps.
Learning Centers (AM 9:30-10:15)
*Creative Art: The children will be able to explore and express their feelings using Tempera paints
*Messy Table: Autumn leaves, dirt, and water bottles
*Cut and Color Table: We will making ‘me’ puppets out of paper bags today using either photographs of the children or googly eyes and other materials to make their very own ‘self’ puppet
*Dramatic Play: Home – the children will try to connect their experiences from home into the classroom by roll playing rolls. From cleaning to cooking, to paying bills, being mom, dad, etc.
Snack (small groups come at different times to eat during Self-Selected Activities. Unless we are making our snack, then we will eat it during small group.)
*Snack: Today we’ll make pizza faces! We’ll about different feelings while we make them and how we can give our pizza faces different feelings just by changing how the face looks!
Outside Play (AM 10:20-10:30..PM 1:50-2:00)
Closing Circle (AM 10:30-11:00..PM 2:00-2:30)
1. Story
2. Make pizza faces
3. Music and Movement – learn the sign language and actions to the song ‘what are you feeling’ from ‘Signing Time’.
4. Phonics
*Tuesday, Nov. 11 – Feeling Me - Dd
Greeting Time (9:00 – 9:15)
Morning Circle (AM 9:15-9:30)
1. Song Can.
2. New letters
3 Calendar
4 We’ll sing “If you’re happy and you know it” and then discuss the different feelings we can feel. We’ll also sing “If you’re sad and you know it, angry, sleepy, etc”
5. Each child will get a plate to hold with a smiley face on one side and a frowny face on the other. The teacher will make a series of statements and ask the children to respond by showing the side of the plate that shows how they feel. If they aren’t happy or sad about a statement, they keep the plate on their laps.
Learning Centers (AM 9:30-10:15)
*Creative Art: The children will be able to explore and express their feelings using Tempera paints
*Messy Table: Autumn leaves, dirt, and water bottles
*Cut and Color Table: We will making ‘me’ puppets out of paper bags today using either photographs of the children or googly eyes and other materials to make their very own ‘self’ puppet
*Dramatic Play: Home – the children will try to connect their experiences from home into the classroom by roll playing rolls. From cleaning to cooking, to paying bills, being mom, dad, etc.
Snack (small groups come at different times to eat during Self-Selected Activities. Unless we are making our snack, then we will eat it during small group.)
*Snack: Today we’ll make pizza faces! We’ll about different feelings while we make them and how we can give our pizza faces different feelings just by changing how the face looks!
Outside Play (AM 10:20-10:30..PM 1:50-2:00)
Closing Circle (AM 10:30-11:00..PM 2:00-2:30)
1. Story
2. Make pizza faces
3. Music and Movement – learn the sign language and actions to the song ‘what are you feeling’ from ‘Signing Time’.
4. Phonics
All About Me - Sight and Touch
All About Me!
*Thursday, Nov. 6 – My Sense of Sight and Touch - Cc
Greeting Time (9:00 – 9:15)
Morning Circle (AM 9:15-9:30)
1. Song Can.
2. New letters
3 Calendar
4 We will read “Brown Bear, Brown Bear” and then talk about things that we see in our classroom. As a class, we will make a small book about the things we see around us.
Learning Centers (AM 9:30-10:15)
*Creative Art: We will explore texture as we play with shaving cream, sand, and paint
*Messy Table: Autumn leaves. I will be adding dirt and water bottles to the messy table so children can see the influence of nature on leaves as they help the leaves break down and begin decomposition.
*Cut and Color Table: We will make a book of ‘Preschooler, preschooler, what do you see?”
*Dramatic Play: Restauraunt
Snack (small groups come at different times to eat during Self-Selected Activities. Unless we are making our snack, then we will eat it during small group.)
*Snack: We will be using or sense of sight as we sort out our colored goldfish
Outside Play (AM 10:20-10:30..PM 1:50-2:00)
We will take turns being blindfolded so the children can see just how much we rely on our sense of sight.
Closing Circle (AM 10:30-11:00..PM 2:00-2:30)
*Story and songs. We will make slime together and talk about the different property it has when we are working with it opposed to when it is laying in our hand.
*Thursday, Nov. 6 – My Sense of Sight and Touch - Cc
Greeting Time (9:00 – 9:15)
Morning Circle (AM 9:15-9:30)
1. Song Can.
2. New letters
3 Calendar
4 We will read “Brown Bear, Brown Bear” and then talk about things that we see in our classroom. As a class, we will make a small book about the things we see around us.
Learning Centers (AM 9:30-10:15)
*Creative Art: We will explore texture as we play with shaving cream, sand, and paint
*Messy Table: Autumn leaves. I will be adding dirt and water bottles to the messy table so children can see the influence of nature on leaves as they help the leaves break down and begin decomposition.
*Cut and Color Table: We will make a book of ‘Preschooler, preschooler, what do you see?”
*Dramatic Play: Restauraunt
Snack (small groups come at different times to eat during Self-Selected Activities. Unless we are making our snack, then we will eat it during small group.)
*Snack: We will be using or sense of sight as we sort out our colored goldfish
Outside Play (AM 10:20-10:30..PM 1:50-2:00)
We will take turns being blindfolded so the children can see just how much we rely on our sense of sight.
Closing Circle (AM 10:30-11:00..PM 2:00-2:30)
*Story and songs. We will make slime together and talk about the different property it has when we are working with it opposed to when it is laying in our hand.
All About Me - Smell and Taste
All About Me!
*Tuesday, Nov.4/Wednesday, Nov. 5 – My Sense of Smell and Taste – Phonics
Greeting Time (9:00 – 9:15)
Morning Circle (AM 9:15-9:30)
1. Song Can.
2. New letters
3 Calendar
4 We will read “You Can’t Taste a Pickle with your Ear” and talk about different tastes. I will have dill pickles, lemons, salty chips, and cookies for the children to taste and smell. We will take a tour of the house and yard, smelling all the different smells. We’ll talk about different tastes and smells and decide which ones we like best.
Learning Centers (AM 9:30-10:15)
*Creative Art: We will make pictures out of food!
*Messy Table: The messy table will be filled with autumn leaves so the children can smell some of the wonderful smells of fall and use their sense of touch to explore the properties of leaves
*Cut and Color Table: We will be making ‘real flowers.’ The children will draw a flower and then cut it out, then they can pick from a number of different scented cotton balls and we will rub the cotton ball on the flower. The flowers will smell great!
*Dramatic Play: Restauraunt
Snack (small groups come at different times to eat during Self-Selected Activities. Unless we are making our snack, then we will eat it during small group.)
*Snack: We will be using all of our senses as we make and watch our popcorn pop!
Outside Play (AM 10:20-10:30..PM 1:50-2:00)
Closing Circle (AM 10:30-11:00..PM 2:00-2:30)
1. Story. We will read “Taste: the five senses”
2. Songs/Puppets/Fingerplays
3. I will have lots of containers with different smells in them (peppermint, garlic, strawberry, lemon, vanilla, etc) and the children will guess the smells
4. Phonics
*Tuesday, Nov.4/Wednesday, Nov. 5 – My Sense of Smell and Taste – Phonics
Greeting Time (9:00 – 9:15)
Morning Circle (AM 9:15-9:30)
1. Song Can.
2. New letters
3 Calendar
4 We will read “You Can’t Taste a Pickle with your Ear” and talk about different tastes. I will have dill pickles, lemons, salty chips, and cookies for the children to taste and smell. We will take a tour of the house and yard, smelling all the different smells. We’ll talk about different tastes and smells and decide which ones we like best.
Learning Centers (AM 9:30-10:15)
*Creative Art: We will make pictures out of food!
*Messy Table: The messy table will be filled with autumn leaves so the children can smell some of the wonderful smells of fall and use their sense of touch to explore the properties of leaves
*Cut and Color Table: We will be making ‘real flowers.’ The children will draw a flower and then cut it out, then they can pick from a number of different scented cotton balls and we will rub the cotton ball on the flower. The flowers will smell great!
*Dramatic Play: Restauraunt
Snack (small groups come at different times to eat during Self-Selected Activities. Unless we are making our snack, then we will eat it during small group.)
*Snack: We will be using all of our senses as we make and watch our popcorn pop!
Outside Play (AM 10:20-10:30..PM 1:50-2:00)
Closing Circle (AM 10:30-11:00..PM 2:00-2:30)
1. Story. We will read “Taste: the five senses”
2. Songs/Puppets/Fingerplays
3. I will have lots of containers with different smells in them (peppermint, garlic, strawberry, lemon, vanilla, etc) and the children will guess the smells
4. Phonics
Halloween Party
*Thursday, Oct. 30 – Halloween Time – Phonics
Greeting Time (9:00 – 9:15)
Morning Circle (AM 9:15-9:30)
1. Song Can. Halloween Songs.
2. New letters
3 Calendar
4 We will read “The Best Halloween Ever” and talk about what made it the best Halloween. We’ll have everyone model their costumes and then we will decorate the room with spider webs!
Learning Centers (AM 9:30-10:15)
*Creative Art: We will make a book about Halloween
*Messy Table: Pumpkin innards. We will separate the seeds together and later in the week we will use them for snack!
*Cut and Color Table: We will paint our jack-o-lanterns today.
*Dramatic Play: Costumes
Snack (small groups come at different times to eat during Self-Selected Activities. Unless we are making our snack, then we will eat it during small group.)
*Snack: We will make homemade donuts (A Halloween tradition in my family) for snack today
Outside Play (AM 10:20-10:30..PM 1:50-2:00)
Closing Circle (AM 10:30-11:00..PM 2:00-2:30)
*Story and songs. We will do some Halloween fingerplays and play a few phonics games.
*We will sing our Halloween songs for our parents when they come to pick us up. Happy Halloween!
Greeting Time (9:00 – 9:15)
Morning Circle (AM 9:15-9:30)
1. Song Can. Halloween Songs.
2. New letters
3 Calendar
4 We will read “The Best Halloween Ever” and talk about what made it the best Halloween. We’ll have everyone model their costumes and then we will decorate the room with spider webs!
Learning Centers (AM 9:30-10:15)
*Creative Art: We will make a book about Halloween
*Messy Table: Pumpkin innards. We will separate the seeds together and later in the week we will use them for snack!
*Cut and Color Table: We will paint our jack-o-lanterns today.
*Dramatic Play: Costumes
Snack (small groups come at different times to eat during Self-Selected Activities. Unless we are making our snack, then we will eat it during small group.)
*Snack: We will make homemade donuts (A Halloween tradition in my family) for snack today
Outside Play (AM 10:20-10:30..PM 1:50-2:00)
Closing Circle (AM 10:30-11:00..PM 2:00-2:30)
*Story and songs. We will do some Halloween fingerplays and play a few phonics games.
*We will sing our Halloween songs for our parents when they come to pick us up. Happy Halloween!
*Tuesday, October 28/ Wednesday, Oct. 29 – Halloween Time – Phonics
Greeting Time (9:00 – 9:15)
Morning Circle (AM 9:15-9:30)
1. Song Can. Halloween Songs.
2. New letters
3 Calendar
4 We will read “Halloween” and talk about the different traditions of Halloween. I will give each child an opportunity to talk about their past experiences with Halloween.
Learning Centers (AM 9:30-10:15)
*Creative Art: We will make pumpkins out of paper plates
*Messy Table: Pumpkin innards. This is a great sensory activity. We will separate the seeds together and later in the week we will use them for snack!
*Cut and Color Table: Using construction paper, we will make our own haunted house and then use cotton balls and tissues to create ghosts and other creatures to live in our haunted house.
*Dramatic Play: Costumes
Snack (small groups come at different times to eat during Self-Selected Activities. Unless we are making our snack, then we will eat it during small group.)
*Snack: We’ll make pumpkin muffins as a class and eat them during closing circle
Outside Play (AM 10:20-10:30..PM 1:50-2:00)
Closing Circle (AM 10:30-11:00..PM 2:00-2:30)
*Story and songs
*We will be eating our yummy pumpkin muffins during closing circle
* We’ll talk about the day and what we learned about Halloween. If we have time, we will play a few phonics games.
Greeting Time (9:00 – 9:15)
Morning Circle (AM 9:15-9:30)
1. Song Can. Halloween Songs.
2. New letters
3 Calendar
4 We will read “Halloween” and talk about the different traditions of Halloween. I will give each child an opportunity to talk about their past experiences with Halloween.
Learning Centers (AM 9:30-10:15)
*Creative Art: We will make pumpkins out of paper plates
*Messy Table: Pumpkin innards. This is a great sensory activity. We will separate the seeds together and later in the week we will use them for snack!
*Cut and Color Table: Using construction paper, we will make our own haunted house and then use cotton balls and tissues to create ghosts and other creatures to live in our haunted house.
*Dramatic Play: Costumes
Snack (small groups come at different times to eat during Self-Selected Activities. Unless we are making our snack, then we will eat it during small group.)
*Snack: We’ll make pumpkin muffins as a class and eat them during closing circle
Outside Play (AM 10:20-10:30..PM 1:50-2:00)
Closing Circle (AM 10:30-11:00..PM 2:00-2:30)
*Story and songs
*We will be eating our yummy pumpkin muffins during closing circle
* We’ll talk about the day and what we learned about Halloween. If we have time, we will play a few phonics games.
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